Top Ten Questions
for mr. little guy

What’s your name? my name is thom. __________________________ How tall are you? i am taller than my younger brother and shorter than my older brother. __________________________ Do you have a family? i live with my wife, martha, a great elf and our daughter alta lucia, she is a princess elf. __________________________ How old are you? for an elf i am pretty young but much older than you. __________________________ What do you look like? i look just like my dad. __________________________ What’s your favorite color? my favorite color is plaid. __________________________ What do you like to eat? i love to eat minnow pizzas. well, that and popcorn. three kernels and i’m full. __________________________ Why can’t I see you? I am afraid of being squished by a human foot. __________________________ When is your birthday? my birthday is august 15 and i can hardly wait. __________________________ Do you have a pet? we have a cat named nickerson. he is normal size and we ride him around the lake.